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Ruwa Local Board

Investing into the future


Welcome to Ruwa Local Board Official Website. Please bear with us, our website is going through maintenance and our engineers are busy putting the final touches

Council is actively pursuing opportunities to bridge the deficit in water supply by expansion of water treatment plant through PPPs.  Plans are underway to increase Sanga Dam capacity as well as rehabilitation of raw water line and accessories.  Future plans include installation of security systems at Sanga dam and Reservoirs to minimise losses.

Council has an installed capacity of 7.5ML/day but our current production stands at 2-3ML/day. The water demand in Ruwa is at 25ML/day.  While Council is desirous to meet the daily demand, various challenges have hampered water supply over the years. 

The challenges include limited treatment capacity, intermittent supply of electricity and breakdowns due to frequent burst pipes.  Climate Change issues have not spared us too, we are experiencing longer dry periods which affects raw water supply.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our residents, ratepayers and stakeholders for bearing with us during the disruptions in water supply that we have been experiencing in the past few months.