We are excited to launch Ruwa Local Board’s bi-monthly newsletter! We believe this is a key communication tool which gives you our valued stakeholder an insight into what is going on in your Council as well as updates on Council projects.
We would like to thank our residents for turning out in their numbers during the consultation period for the 2024 budget. Your contributions, suggestions, criticisms – and commendations J are indeed important to us; they help us improve.
Council is grateful for the residents and ratepayers who religiously settle their bills, this ensures that Council is sufficiently financed to deliver quality service timeously. Sadly, Council is owed over ZWL 42 million in rates. We urge those in arrears to approach Council for discussions on how best to clear the arrears.
The end of the year is a time most of us spend with our families, friends and loved ones. This is the time we celebrate Christmas, good cheer and life. For some, the festive season is a time for evaluating the year and setting goals for the next season.
It is our hope that as you celebrate the season in your own unique way, you take time to reflect on how each of us can contribute to the vision of making Ruwa “A town of excellence by 2030.” As your Council, we are optimistic that the future holds a lot for our beautiful town particularly because of our residents who are always so eager to give valuable feedback on service delivery and related issues. We exist because of you our residents, ratepayers and stakeholders; if you have any suggestions, ideas or feedback please contact Public Relations on 0773633999 or publicrelationsruwa@gmail.com
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2024!
Happy holidays!